All boys. All boarding. Grades 9-12.

The Amici Fund

Supporting Amici and Why It Matters

One of the best-established traditions at Woodberry Forest School is its culture of philanthropy. Working together, alumni, parents, past parents, and friends currently contribute more than $4 million to the Amici Fund, one of the most impressive annual funds among independent schools. Last Year, an incredible 61.6 percent of our alumni and 94 percent of current parents participated in this milestone achievement.

Every gift to the Amici Fund is important. Amici provides more than 10 percent of the school’s program costs, including competitive salaries to our faculty and tuition assistance to students. Annual gifts, whether large or small, are integral to Woodberry Forest’s character. Through the Amici Fund, everyone who loves Woodberry can contribute to strengthening and enriching it.

Want to Volunteer?
At our boys’ school in Virginia, we benefit from a growing networking of alumni and parents volunteers, and offer many varieties of opportunity for involvement.

Class Volunteer: Class volunteers serve as the liaison between the Alumni Office and their classmates. They update their classmates' contact information; convey news of births, deaths, marriages, and general sentiments about Woodberry; encourage classmates to participate in Woodberry activities; and encourage classmates to give to the Amici Fund.

Reunion Committee members: Reunion committee members serve as "cheerleaders" during a particular alumni reunion year by reaching out to classmates and encouraging them to attend reunion festivities.

Parent Committee members: These parents rally support among parents of their son’s classmates and help support a spring tailgate that brings classmates and parents together before a day of athletic contests.

For more information on these and other volunteer opportunities, please contact:

Bill Robertson
Director of the Amici Fund & Alumni Relations


Amici FAQ

List of 11 frequently asked questions.

  • Q:
    What is the Amici Fund?

    The Amici Fund is Woodberry Forest’s annual giving campaign. Gifts to the Amici Fund support our operating budget, and all Amici dollars are spent during the current fiscal year. These annual gifts ensure Woodberry fulfills our mission of preparing boys for their future.
  • Q: Can I enter a matching gift?

    All matching gifts are entered through Double the Donation. On the main giving page enter your company name into the selected field to check if your company will match your gift.
    Please contact Bill Robertson at with any questions.
  • Q: How do I make a gift?

    You can give online by going to and using your credit card, PayPal or Venmo on a mobile device. You can mail your gift to: The Alumni and Development Office, 402 Woodberry Station, Woodberry Forest, VA, 22989. You may also donate stock; instructions on how to do that are included in the giving link above. If you have any questions please call or email Bill Robertson at 540-672-6723 or
  • Q: What does the Amici Fund support?

    The Amici Fund supports the boys, the faculty, and the campus. Each gift provides financial aid for deserving students, technology for classrooms, musical instruments for our fine arts department, bikes for the outdoor education team, and even funding for campus-wide community service projects. The Amici Fund supports what Woodberry boys are doing on campus TODAY.
  • Q: I can only make a small gift to the school. Does my gift really matter?

    Yes! Every gift to the school makes a difference in the lives of the boys. Your gift demonstrates your confidence in the mission of Woodberry Forest and our commitment to educating boys.  And because gifts to the Amici Fund are utilized during the current fiscal year, your contribution makes an immediate impact in the school community.

  • Q: Can I make a recurring gift?

    Yes! It is easy to set up a recurring gift with your credit card. Simply check the box "Provide sustained support to Woodberry Forest with a recurring gift."  If you have any questions about the process, please contact Shawna Lukkes at 540-672-6030 or for more information.
  • Q: How can I get involved in the effort when I get calls from my classmates about giving to Amici?

    Please get in touch with one of the following members of the Amici team below, and we will help you. We thank you for your willingness to help the boys that are here now and promote the mission of this special place.
  • Q: I want my donation to support a particular interest, how do I designate where I would like my money to be used?

    At the time that you make your gift, you may note where you would like your contribution to be applied by using one of the following designations: Area of Greatest Need, Tuition Assistance, Academics, Technology and Innovation, Faculty Development, Athletics, or Fine Arts.

  • Q: Woodberry Forest has an endowment and I already pay yearly tuition. Why does the school need my additional yearly gift?

    Woodberry Forest’s operating budget is financed by tuition and a draw on our endowment at the rate of five percent. However, these two sources of revenue do not fully fund the operating budget. The Amici Fund bridges the 10 percent gap, helping to ensure that Woodberry is able to support the many opportunities available to the boys on campus.
  • Q: What is Captains Club?

    Captains Club is a leadership giving recognition group. You become a member in any year with a gift of $2,500 or more. Younger alumni who graduated up to five years ago become a member with a gift of $500 or more; alums who graduated between six and ten years ago become members with a gift of $750 or more. Woodberry hosts a special event for all Captains Club members on the Friday evening of The Game weekend each November.
  • Q: What are Gold, Silver and Bronze descriptions listed in the Annual Report?

    Consecutive years of giving to the Amici Fund are marked and highlighted by the following descriptions: Gold (twenty years), Silver (ten years), and Bronze (five years).
Woodberry Forest admits students of any race, color, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief, and national or ethnic origin to all of the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic or other school-administered programs. The school is authorized under federal law to enroll nonimmigrant students.