Please alert Shawna Lukkes in the Alumni & Development Office prior to the transfer so that Woodberry can arrange with our broker to receive the stock. Woodberry cannot sell an unidentified security. At the same time, please indicate the purpose of the contribution.
Woodberry Contact:
Mrs. Shawna Lukkes
402 Woodberry Station
Woodberry Forest, VA 22989
(540) 672-6030 (Direct line)
(540) 672-6018 (Fax)
Electronic Transfer: Giving stock through electronic transfer is the easiest method when a donor maintains holdings in a brokered account. Depository Trust Company (DTC) is the clearinghouse for electronic security transfers. Each brokerage firm has a specific DTC number. When you wish to make a gift of stock, please provide the following information to the transfer broker:
Account Name: Woodberry Forest School
Account Number: DA4005348
DTC Number: 0443
Clearing Broker: Davenport & Company (through Pershing)
(Richmond, VA)
Marie Barté
Reference: [Donor’s Name]