Honors Science Thesis Seminar
Science Thesis Seminar is an immersive, intensive dive into scientific disciplines and experiences beyond the scope of typical advanced-level high school courses. Participants are chosen based on their demonstrated interest in scientific pursuit and desire to continue their science education. In investigative sections lasting half of the school year, students are assigned to do small-group undergraduate-level research projects or advanced coursework in an area of a faculty member’s interest. It is expected that these thesis projects will be evaluated externally by subject matter experts, in a manner similar to a scientific conference, thesis defense, or comprehensive examination. Successful completion of the external evaluation would earn the student “distinction in science.”
Placement into STS, an ungraded honors course, is by invitation only. To request an invitation, rising seniors must submit a video interview according to the instructions sent out in May. Invitations are issued based on a student’s demonstrated interest in science, as well as on their demonstrated ability and motivation to handle the advanced independent work required. A limited number of rising juniors will be invited by the department to submit a video interview for specific STS sections.
STS immersive half-year sections offered in 2024-25 may include:
Physics: undergraduate-level research
The USYPT each year publishes four open-ended problems to be presented at their international tournament. Students in this section of STS investigate three of these problems at the level of an undergraduate senior thesis, and present their work at the US Invitational Young Physicists Tournament.
Chemistry: food chemistry
Students will learn about and experiment with the macromolecules found in food: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The course investigates the fundamental principles in chemistry that underlie the behavior of these molecules and how that affects a variety of food products.
Biology: mastering DNA
In an entirely hands-on course, students learn how to calibrate pipettes, extract DNA from a variety of organisms, run PCR reactions, do electrophoresis, and sequence DNA with a nanopore sequencer. Many of the small projects in this course will revolve around reproducing professional DNA-related lab kits from scratch. Finally, students will plan and execute a PCR-related research project of their own.
Environmental Science: forestry investigations
Students will investigate, collect, analyze, and observe forested ecosystems on Woodberry Forest’s 1200-acre campus. They’ll undergo a crash course in soils, dendrology, and forestry, complete labs covering those same introductory level topics, and complete three group projects around the Woodberry campus.
Chemical engineering: design and testing of ceramics glazes
Glaze is a thin layer of glass covering most ceramic objects, from dinner plates to toilets, and it comes in every color and texture imaginable: it can be shiny, matte, smooth, bumpy, and even full of crystals. Students in this section will design and test their own glaze from scratch out of powdered minerals, creating new glaze possibilities for the WFS ceramics studio and to publish on Glazy, an online resource for ceramic artists.
Environmental Science: The past, present, and future of Woodberry Forest's ecosystems
Students will investigate biological and geophysical aspects of the five distinct ecosystems on Woodberry Forest’s campus: suburban, riparian, secondary growth forest, old growth forest, and farmland. The final project for each student will look in detail at one aspect of campus ecosystems.
Aerospace Engineering: Development of a Miniature Race Car
Using industry-standard tools and techniques, students design and develop a high performance miniature air-powered race car for the officially sanctioned F1 in Schools competition. The team needs to not only ensure car performance is as high as possible, but also to create a series of portfolios detailing their team accomplishments and design processes, and present these to a panel of judges at the US National Championship.
Biology: Marine biology
The course focuses on learning about the physical and chemical structure of the
ocean, the diversity and ecology of marine organisms at different depths, and the threats currently facing the marine biome - including a culminating research project. Students will be given the opportunity to travel to Woods Hole, MA to take a course at the Marine Biological Laboratory where they will get hands-on experience with active, ongoing research.
Physics: advanced topics in preparation for the AP physics 2 or C exams
Students who have previously done well in the honors physics 1 course will engage with the equivalent of the second semester of a college-level introductory course. Experimental and problem solving work will cover waves, optics, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, atomic, and nuclear physics.